Donald Chump is not making any statements against the government of Israel, instead its his statements about immigration and ironically enough about Muslims that have offended many Jewish leaders outside the Israeli hard-right. If you take a Donald Chump speech and replace every instance of "Mexicans" and "Muslims" with the word "Jews," you get something that looks like a speech given in a German beer hall in the 1930's. Also the brownshirt behavior at his rallies, where Trump incites beatings of unarmed peaceful protesters.
There is one key difference: when Trump incites a riot against prepared opponents, he usually loses, ending up cancelling his events or watching his supporters lose a fight with 1/10th their numbers.
Yesterday, less than a dozen Code Pink activists backed by no more than a hundred or so others managed to exploit police barricades to create a huge bottleneck for all the Trumpers going to AIPAC. The Code Pinkers sat down and blocked the sidewalk while everyone else took up even more space. Bike cops pulled out and yielded us space hoping the bottleneck would ease, only to have more protesters take over that space. One Code Pinker was arrested, and several were roughed up by cops. Meanwhile, Jewish protesters were emphasizing that AIPAC had no authority to speak for them-and that they despise Trump.
Trump was inside only, unable to incite the hordes of fascists there to see him to assault the seated Code Pink activists or anyone else. Take away their Fuhrer and fascists seem to lose their direction, sort of like drones with the ground control links jammed.
Donald Chump is not making any statements against the government of Israel, instead its his statements about immigration and ironically enough about Muslims that have offended many Jewish leaders outside the Israeli hard-right. If you take a Donald Chump speech and replace every instance of "Mexicans" and "Muslims" with the word "Jews," you get something that looks like a speech given in a German beer hall in the 1930's. Also the brownshirt behavior at his rallies, where Trump incites beatings of unarmed peaceful protesters.
There is one key difference: when Trump incites a riot against prepared opponents, he usually loses, ending up cancelling his events or watching his supporters lose a fight with 1/10th their numbers.
Yesterday, less than a dozen Code Pink activists backed by no more than a hundred or so others managed to exploit police barricades to create a huge bottleneck for all the Trumpers going to AIPAC. The Code Pinkers sat down and blocked the sidewalk while everyone else took up even more space. Bike cops pulled out and yielded us space hoping the bottleneck would ease, only to have more protesters take over that space. One Code Pinker was arrested, and several were roughed up by cops. Meanwhile, Jewish protesters were emphasizing that AIPAC had no authority to speak for them-and that they despise Trump.
Trump was inside only, unable to incite the hordes of fascists there to see him to assault the seated Code Pink activists or anyone else. Take away their Fuhrer and fascists seem to lose their direction, sort of like drones with the ground control links jammed.